
The California Geological Survey has produced thousands of maps since its creation in 1860. This page provides links to the most popular CGS map products, organized by theme. We will continue to add more as time and resources permit.

Themes on this page:
Geologic Features |  Geophysics |  Hazards |  Mineral Resources |  Other Map Products

Geologic Features


  • To be added in the future. Currently available by request only.


Landslide Hazards

Mineral Hazards

Earthquake Faults, Shaking, Landsliding, and Liquefaction


Volcanic Hazards

  • To be added in the future.

Mineral Resources

Other Map Products

  • GIS Data Downloads and REST Services
  • Map Data Layer Viewer (web application) - Very versatile! Map layers include:
    • Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones
    • California Landslide Inventory
    • Deep-Seated Landslide Susceptibility (CGS Map Sheet 58)
    • Earthquake Shaking Potential (CGS Map Sheet 48)
    • Earthquake Shear-wave Velocity in Upper 30m of Surficial Geology (Vs30)
    • Earthquakes of California (magnitude 5+), 1769 to 2015
    • Fault Activity
    • Fault-based seismic sources used in the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 3 (UCERF3)
    • General Geology
    • Indoor Radon Potential
    • Seismic Hazard Zones, i.e. Earthquake-induced Landslide Zones, Liquefaction Zones
    • Tsunami Inundation Zones
    • City and County Boundaries
    • Twelve base-layer options, including Imagery, Streets, Terrain, Topographic, and more
    • An "Add Data" feature allows you to add layers from other sources

Can't find the map you need?

The USGS National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) is an excellent resource, where you can find and download hundreds of published geologic maps from a variety of sources (including CGS). The NGMDB is a service provided by the United States Geological Survey.

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