SMIP Seminar on Utilization of Strong Motion Data

​​​​​​​​​​​​​The California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP) in the California Geological Survey (CGS) established a data interpretation project in 1989. Each year CSMIP funds several such projects for the analysis and utilization of strong-motion data. The objectives of the data interpretation project are to further the understanding of strong ground shaking and the response of structures, to increase the utilization of strong-motion data in post-earthquake response, and to improve seismic design code provisions and design practices.

As part of the data interpretation project, CSMIP holds annual seminars to transfer recent research findings to practicing seismic design professionals, earth scientists and earthquake response personnel. The annual seminar's purpose is to provide information that will be useful in seismic design practice, post-earthquake response, and the improvement of seis​mic design codes and practices.

SMIP24 Seminar (Virtual)

Date/Time: Thursday, 17 October, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.​
Program: SMIP24 Final Program​​​
Registration: Zoom Registration Link​​​​
For more information: Call 888-HQCSMIP (888-472-7647)

SMIP Seminar Proceedings

Proceedings are available in PDF format for each year of the annual SMIP Seminar.

1989 - 1990

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