Processed Strong Motion Data from the Palm Springs Earthquake of 8 July 1986; Part I Ground-Response Records

OSMS 87-01

by M.J. Huang, D.L. Parke, R.W. Sherburne and A.F. Shakal

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Processed Strong Motion Data from the Palm Springs Earthquake of 8 July 1986; Part I Ground-Response Records(Adobe PDF (SIZE 2.7 MB)) - Requires Adobe Acrob​at Reader or other PDF viewer.


Strong motion records were recovered from nearly thirty stations of the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP) following the Palm Springs earthquake of July 8, 1986 (also known as North Palm Springs earthquake). Twenty-one of those stations were ground-response stations. This report presents results of the digitization and processing performed on the records obtained from eighteen of these stations. The unprocessed records for the remaining stations typically had maximum accelerations of 5% g or less, as shown in the data report by Huang et al. (1986), and were not digitized. The results for the digitization of strong-motion records obtained at CSMIP structural-response stations are presented in an accompanying Part II report (Huang et al., 1987). Strong-motion records obtained by other agencies such as the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are described in the report by Porcella et al. (1987).