Understanding California's Oil and Gas Safety Zones: Senate Bill 1137

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California's Senate Bill 1137 (SB 1137) establishes new safety measures to protect public health by creating buffer zones between oil and gas operations and community spaces. This legislation creates a 3,200-foot Health Protection Zone (HPZ) around homes, schools, hospitals, and other sensitive locations where people live, work, and gather. 

Current Status:​ As of June 28, 2024, SB 1137 is fully implemented and enforced across California. ​


Check Safety Zon​es Near You ​​​​​

​​Check Your Location: Our interactive map allows you to view Health Protection Zones and oil/gas wells in your neighborhood.  

Report Sensitive Areas: Help protect your community by identifying sensitive locations through our Sensitive Receptor Identification Form​. ​

Community Engagement​​

Join Our Upcoming Virtual Meetings: 
​​​​​WORKSHOP #1 
March 19, 2025, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Pacific Time (US and Canada) 
​Topic:  DOC and CARB SB 1137 Pre-Rulemaking Workshop on Health Protection Zones for Oil and Gas Operations 

Register for this webinar ​
Once registered, you'll receive a confirmation email with webinar login details. 

March 20, 2025, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Pacific Time (US and Canada) 
Topic:  DOC and CARB SB 1137 Pre-Rulemaking Workshop on Health Protection Zones for Oil and Gas Operations 

Once registered, you'll receive a confirmation email with webinar login details. ​

View Past Meeting Materials:​ 

About the Legislation 

Recognizing the importance of supporting California’s clean energy transition and protecting California communities, Governor Gavin Newsom partnered with legislative leaders to pass a package of climate legislation—including Senate Bill 1137 (SB 1137). On September 16, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 1137 (Gonzalez, Chapter 1, Statutes of 2022) into law. In addition, the bill establishes strict engineering controls to be implemented by existing operations within the health protection zone.  

Notices to Operators 

​Operators must comply with Senate Bill 1137 and its Emergency Implementation Regulations. Non-compliance may result in enforcement action. 

Implementation Guidelines
For implementation questions, contact: SB1137Implementation@conservation.ca.gov. ​​

CalGEM has created a template and examples of some of the newly required additional information that must be submitted with NOIs in order to provide assistance meeting the new requirements:

GIS (map) data files are also available to download and depict the Health Protection Zone. The Oil and Gas Wells layer is attributed according to their location in relation to the Health Protection Zone.

​​Implementation Timeline

  • September 16, 2022: Governor Newsom signs SB 1137 into law⁠ ​
  • January 1, 2023: Initial implementation begins - CalGEM stops approving new well permits within Health Protection Zones⁠ 
  • February 3, 2023: Law temporarily suspended due to referendum challenge⁠⁠  
  • June 28, 2024: Full implementation resumes with updated regulations⁠⁠  
  • ​January 1, 2025: All facilities within protection zones must meet new safety requirements⁠⁠  

Key future deadlines: 

  • January 1, 2026: Deadline for leak detection response plans approval⁠ 
  • ​January 1, 2027: Operators shall suspend all production and injection operations within a Health Protection Zone unless an approved leak detection and response plan is fully implemented. Operators are required to update its plan every five years. ​​​Operators will be required to begin annual reporting on the results of their leak detection and response plan, baseline water testing.  
  • ​July 1, 2027: CalGEM will submit legislative reports to applicable budget and policy committees on the implementation of the Health Protection Zone.​​


Contact us at SB1137Implementation@conservation.ca.gov for more information. ​

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