State Mining and Geology Board Roster

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(​Corre​spondence addressed to specific Members should be sent directly to the Board Office.)

Member NameCurrent Term
Larry Sheingold, Chair
​​Non-specialized public member​
Alan Driscoll​
2023-2027​​Mineral resource conservation, development or utilization
​Registered Geologist with background and experience in mining geology
George Kenline
2025-2029​​Mining Engineer with background and experience in mining in California
Stephanie Landregan
Landscape Architect
​Marc L​os Huertos
​Groundwater hydrology, water quality, or rock chemistry
Zia Zafir
​Registered Geologist, Geophysicist, or Civil Engineer with background and experience in seismology​
Fred Jung​, Vice Chair​
​Representative of local government with background and experience in urban planning
Eric Holst​
​Environmental protection or the study of ecosystems

*Board member terms effectively terminate January 15 of the term-ending yea​r.

Committee Structure

​Policy and Administration
​Stephanie Landregan, Chair
VACANT, Vice Chair
George Kenline
​Zia Zafir, Chair
Marc Los Huertos, Vice Chair
Stephanie Landregan
Mineral Conservation
Eric Holst, Vice Chair
Zia Zafir
​​SMARA​ Compliance
George Kenline, Chair
Fred Jung, Vice Chair
Marc Los Huertos​

*The Board Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.​​