Proposed Updates to Rounds 1 & 2 Guidelines
February 14, 2025: DOC is proposing revisions to the Round 1 & 2 Guidelines. We released draft guidelines for a first phase of review on December 20th. Two revisions are proposed in order to clarify existing requirements within the program.
The first revision provides a definition for the term “meaningful benefit to disadvantaged communities.” The second revision includes clarification on how DOC staff will implement requirements related to the certification and future extraction of groundwater recharge achieved through the program.
We currently plan to provide two public comment periods to offer enough time for meaningful stakeholder input. DOC staff are compiling all public comments from the first phase. These will be used to guide a second round of revisions to the guidelines. In addition, DOC staff will prepare a written response document addressing all feedback.
February 28th: Second round of revisions and response to initial public comments posted for review and feedback.
March 3rd and 4th: Virtual stakeholder meetings will be held at noon on March 3rd and 1PM on March 4th to present the revised language, solicit further feedback from grantees, partners, and stakeholders, and workshop project examples.
- Mid- to late-March: DOC staff will seek to finalize the revised guidelines based on feedback received from grantees. Should additional significant changes to the guidelines be necessary to respond to comments, DOC staff will offer additional opportunities to review, discuss, and edit the guidelines before finalizing.
2023 MLRP Annual Report Released
The Statewide Support Entity (SSE) and the California Department of Conservation (DOC) are excited to share the 2023 MLRP Annual Report, available in English and Spanish.
The program was launched in August 2022 with a set of ambitious and diverse regional objectives to find shared solutions for resilient landscapes for California's uncertain groundwater future. Since then, the program has seen significant progress toward program and block grantee goals. This new report focuses on MLRP goals and accomplishments, current progress, partner involvement, and engagement with MLRP stakeholders and communities.
About the Program
To date, the program has received $90 million in appropriations. This current Round (Round 2) is funded by the Public Resources Trailer Bill (AB 211, Ch. 574, Stat. of 2022), which appropriated $40 million to the Department to fund groundwater sustainability projects that reduce groundwater use, repurpose irrigated agricultural land, and provide wildlife habitat.
The Multibenefit Land Repurposing Program seeks to use this funding to increase regional capacity to repurpose agricultural land to reduce reliance on groundwater while providing community health, economic wellbeing, water supply, habitat, and climate benefits.
Awarded Projects
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