Oil, Gas, and Geothermal General Information

​​Publication Number Title / Description

California Indians, Artisans of Oil
Tells how California Indians used oil from natural seeps for symbolic, decorative, and practical purposes.

California Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, an Introduction
An overview of California's energy resources, including discussions of petroleum geology, exploration, production history, drilling technology, refining, transportation, conservation, environmental protection, and oil, gas and geothermal development (1983).

Drilling and Operating Oil and Gas Wells in California
DOGGR requirements and procedures summarized. Written for a new operator (2002).

Drilling and Operating Geothermal Wells in California
DOGGR requirements and procedures summarized. Written for a new operator (1984).
TR40 Drilling Through Time
A history of California's oilfield and geothermal development and regulation, written by William Rintoul on the 75th anniversary of DOGGR.
227 photographs and illustrations.
Hardcover (1990), ISBN 0 9627124-0-X. 
PRC03 California Attorney General's Opinion
California Attorney General's opinion regarding regulations on drilling, operation, maintenance, and abandonment of oil, gas, and geothermal wells (1976).

Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Fields in California
Map showing California oil, gas, and geothermal fields; sedimentary basins with oil and gas production; and California counties with commercial oil, gas, and geothermal production (2001).
S​-2 Energy Map of California
Map showing sedimentary basins; oil, gas, and geothermal fields; oil, gas, and product pipelines; tanker ports; refineries; and geothermal, nuclear, wind, cogeneration, hydroelectric, and fossil fuel electrical-generation plants (2000). 

Leasing Land for Oil and Gas Development in California
This publication describes procedures for mineral leases, land titles, title recording, and related matters. A glossary of terms and FAQs are included (1982).

Urban Development of the Oil Fields in the Los Angeles Basin Area
The report explains DOGGR's construction-site review program and describes the building and safety procedures. 
