The Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR, now CalGEM) on December 18, 2012, released a “discussion draft” of regulations for the oil and natural gas production technique known as hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). What does “discussion draft” mean? It means that this version does not kick off the formal rulemaking process. Instead, it is a starting point for discussion by key stakeholders–industry, the environmental community, and other regulators, as well as interested members of the public–in preparation for the more formal process, which probably will begin in early 2013. These “discussion draft” regulations include provisions for pre-fracturing well testing; advance notification; monitoring during and after fracturing operations; disclosure of materials used in fracturing fluid; trade secrets; and storage and handling of hydraulic fracturing fluids.
Check back for announcements about upcoming public meetings regarding the “discussion draft” regulations.
Additional information is available at the following links:
Members of the public who wish to comment about the discussion draft of regulations are invited to email
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