​​California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

​​​​​​​For Operators

General Information​​​​​ and Resources

CEQA Law​s & Regul​ations​ (PDF)

CE​QA Filing Fees​
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
CalGEM's CEQA unit ensures compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act by conducting reviews and collaborating with government agencies and the public to mitigate environmental impacts from oil, gas, and geothermal development. This aligns with CalGEM's mission to protect the environment, health, and advance climate and energy goals. CEQA mandates that public agencies identify significant environmental impacts of their actions and avoid or mitigate them when possible.

CEQA's Purposes:

Pumpjack and Sunflowers
    •  Inform decision-makers and the public about environmental impacts
    • Prevent​ or reduce environmental impacts
    • Promote inter-agency cooperation
    • Encourage public participation
    • ​Disclose agency decisions

    CEQA guidelines apply to "projects" (Public Resources Code §21065; CEQA Guidelines §15378​)​ undertaken by public agencies like CalGEM, defined as activities that:​

    • Require discretionary approval involving judgment or deliberation (e.g., approving a permit)
    • May cause direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical changes in the environment
    CalGEM must comply with CEQA when issuing permits or approving projects.​​​​