The SMGB is statutorily responsible to review and revise state policy defining the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act, the Seismic Hazard Mapping Act, and the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act. Read information and documents related to the SMGB's current rulemaking efforts below:
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act:
Mineral Designations
Active Rulemaking: Greater Sacramento Production-Consumption (P-C) Region
January 31, 2025, opens the public comment period for the proposed Greater Sacramento Area Production-Consumption (P-C) Region rulemaking. The public comment period ends on March 28, 2025. Additionally, a public hearing is scheduled for March 27, 2025. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action can be found as published in the California Regulatory Notice Register, and the regulatory documents can be found at the links below.
Pre-Rulemaking Activities: Draft regulatory documents were brought before the Board for consideration during the August 15, 2024, regular business meeting, as noticed on the meeting agenda. The Board approved the package and directed staff to proceed with the rulemaking process.
Section 100 Rulemaking
Rulemaking Packages
Active Rulemaking: PRC 2714(f) Exemption Regulations
January 31, 2025, opens the public comment period for the proposed Public Resources Code (PRC) 2714(f) Exemption rulemaking. The public comment period ends on March 28, 2025. Additionally, a public hearing is scheduled for March 27, 2025. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action can be found as published in the
California Regulatory Notice Register, and the regulatory documents can be found at the links below.
Pre-Rulemaking Activities: Draft regulatory documents were brought before the Board for consideration during the October 17, 2024, and the August 15, 2024 regular business meetings, as noticed on the meeting agendas. At the October 17, 2024 meeting, the Board approved the package and directed staff to proceed with the rulemaking process.
Seismic Hazard Mapping Act:
Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act: