Project Plug

​​​​​​​Project Plug addresses the environmental impacts of legacy wells and facilities in our communities. Learn about regional work on Phase One projects below. 

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Latest Actions and Announcements​ on State Oil and Gas Well Plug and Abandonments Projects​


Mountain View Field (Kern County)

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Cat Canyon (Santa Barbara County)

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About Project Plug

Thousands of orphaned or deserted wells exist unplugged across the state - some dating back to the origin of California's oil industry more than 130 years ago. These wells are hazardous to wildlife, the environment, and communities that now live near these facilities. Oil and gas companies are responsible for plugging a well, if they do not, the state can step in to plug the well and pursue cost recovery from those companies.  

Governor Newsom, the State Legislature, and the Federal Government provided the Department of Conservation substantial funding to address unplugged, orphaned wells. Project Plug uses these resources to identify old, orphan wells that present the highest risk to communities and the environment, and then permanently plug those wells and remove adjacent facilities. Because orphan wells are a major source of greenhouse gases, this effort is run in conjunction with the State's Methane Task Force and the Department's ongoing engagement with community groups in affected areas.

Project Area Details​​​​​

AllenCo ​(Los Angeles County)​

Total wells: 21                                          
Estimated project start: Late 2023                           
Expected project duration/end: ​2025                             
This site includes 21 wells and a tank in Los Angeles. The site is situated, between Saint James Park residential properties and St. Vincent Elementary School.
Numerous public agencies took enforcement actions against the operator, which has a long history of noncompliance.
In 2022, the Department depressurized all 21 wells. In 2023, it plugged two wells that continued to build pressure. Nineteen remain to be plugged.   


The Community Health, Safety, and Notification Plan provides community members with essential information about work schedules, safety measures, and emergency contacts. Click here ​to access the complete plan.

El Plan de Salud, Seguridad y Notificación Comunitaria proporciona a los miembros de la comunidad información esencial sobre los horarios de trabajo, medidas de seguridad y contactos de emergencia. Haga clic aquí para acceder al plan completo.​


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Mountain View Field​ (Kern County)​

Total wells: 39               

Estimated project start: TBD             

Fourteen wells are located north of Lamont near the intersection of Weedpatch Highway and East Panama Lane. Twenty-five wells are located north of Arvin, primarily to the north and east of Arvin High School.                                                                                

Wells were operated by Sunray Petroleum and later Blackstone Oil and Gas. The Department ordered all 37 wells to be sealed due to various violations and non-compliance issues.                                                             

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Fruitvale Field (Kern County)​​​​​​

Total wells: 37            

Estimated project start: TBD                 


These wells are located near the Kern River. Some are in the vicinity of State Highway 58, Mohawk Street, and the Alon USA Refinery. Others are situated along the Financial District, close to California Avenue.​
The wells were operated by Sunray Petroleum, Blackstone Oil and Gas, and Griffin Resources. Sunray filed for bankruptcy in 2011.  After suing the state in response to the plug orders, Griffin declared bankruptcy.    


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Canoga Park (LA County)

Total wells: 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Estimated project start:​  2026                                    
All six wells are located in the Los Angeles Canoga Park section, near a busy recreational area.            

The wells were operated by Cache Oil Co., Canoga Oil Company, Frank Knapp and Liu Cheng, and Lin, all of whom face multiple violations that led to the Department's order to plug the wells   

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Cat Canyon (Santa Barbara)​

Total wells: 210                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Estimated project start: Began in 2023, will complete in 2026-2027 ​                                             

Approximately 210 wells are located primarily in the environmentally sensitive Cat Canyon field and the Santa Maria Valley field in Santa Barbara County, near Santa Maria and Orcutt.  
In the first phase of this project, 171 wells were plugged and permanently sealed.  The work included the proper closure and removal of associated pipelines and facilities. The remaining 38 wells will be addressed in a subsequent phase, as they may require more complex remedial work.         
These wells were previously operated by HVI Cat Canyon, Inc., and were prioritized due to the operator’s poor well management and maintenance history, previous well leaks and broken pipelines, and proximity to sensitive receptors, including agricultural workers. 

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Kern Bluff Field​ (Kern County)

Total wells: 46                                                    
Estimated project start: TBD

All 46 wells are located in the Kern Bluff Field near Bakersfield, northeast of Highway 178. Sunray which operated some of the wells, filed bankruptcy in 2011. The others were operated by Citadel Exploration, which has a history of noncompliance.          

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Huntington Beach (Orange County)​

Total wells: 2                          
Estimated project start: 2026 or 2027                                               

Rex Oil Company's Montebello 5 Oil Well is approximately 40 feet south of Garfield Avenue, between Stewart Ln. and Gothard St. A residential apartment complex lies 420 feet east of the wellhead on Gothard St.         

Golden Bee, Inc.'s Pursell 1 oil well is located amongst residential properties on 21st Street in Huntington Beach. The well sits within 10 feet of residences and approximately 1,200 feet from a busy public beach.​​        

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Brea (Orange County)​​​​


​Total wells: 1    
Estimated project start: 2026 or 2027                                                         
The well is located north of Brea Canyon Road near residential areas. The well was operated by the Crown of the Valley Oil Company.      

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Oxnard (Ventura County)

Total wells: 45                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Estimated project start: 2025                                                                                         

Most of the wells are located on the outskirts of Oxnard, near agricultural fields and within 3,200 feet of some residential facilities and a water canal. Six are located in the Montalvo Field west of Oxnard.
Peak Operator, LLC, was ordered to plug all of its wells (41) due to numerous violations of state regulations. The remaining wells were operated by Vaca Energy, LLC, which also faces multiple violations and civil penalties.             


Signal Hill (LA County)

Total wells: 1           
Estimated project start: 2026-2027  ​                                                        
The well is located in Signal Hill, approximately 300 feet southeast of the Signal Hill Police Department. The well, previously operated by the Estate of Harold C. Martin, was idle for more than 45 years.
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Simi Valley (Ventura County)

Total wells:  2 
Estimated project start: 2025-2026                                                                     

The wells are located near Simi Valley within 150 feet of homes.   They were operated by Clarence R. Barnett Inc. and have been inactive since October 2013. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2015.             

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