Well Stimulation Environmental Impact Report

​​​​​​​​​The EIR may be downloaded as PDF files per section​. Some of the files are extremely large and may require longer download times.




State Oil and Gas Supervisor's Certification Statement1144KB 
            Table of Contents - Volume I76.9KB
            Executive Summary1022.1KB 
            A - Introd​uction 1.2MB 
             B - Draft Environmental Impact Report Review Comments307.4KB  
C - Responses to Review Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report
            C.1 - Introduc​tion 187.2KB 
             C.2 - Global Responses to Major ​Comments1.9MB
             C.3 - Comments from Federal Agencies231.5KB
             C.4 - Comments from State Agencies197.5KB
             C.5 - Comments from Elected Officials188.8KB
             C.6 - Comments from Local Agencies728.9KB
             C.7 - Comments from Oil and Gas Industry Representatives2.0MB
             C.8 - Comments from Organizations and Companies1.3MB
             C.9 - Comments from Private Individuals783.3KB
             C.10 - Comments from Public Meetings536.5KB
            D - Revisions to the Draft Environmental Impact Report Map Book1.5MB
Appendix 1 – Draft Environmental Impact Report Comment Correspondence and Public Meeting Transcripts
            Appendix 1 A. Federal Agencies.pdf806.3KB
            Appendix 1 B. State Agencies.pdf1.6MB
            Appendix 1 C. Elected Officials.pdf1011.0KB
            Appendix 1 D. Local Agencies.pdf17.6MB
Appendix 1 E. Oil and Gas Industry Representatives- E1 through E6.pdf14.9MB
            Appendix 1 E. Oil and Gas Industry Representatives- E7 through E13.pdf28.2MB
            Appendix 1 E. Oil and Gas Industry Representatives- E14-1 through E14-363.pdf62.1MB
            Appendix 1 E. Oil and Gas Industry Representatives- E14-364 through E14-454.pdf6.6MB
            Appendix 1 E. Oil and Gas Industry Representatives- E14-454 (2).pdf10.3MB
            Appendix 1 E. Oil and Gas Industry Representatives- E14-454 (3).pdf7.5MB
            Appendix 1 E. Oil and Gas Industry Representatives- E14-455 through E14-461.pdf6.6MB
            Appendix 1 F. Groups and Organizations- F1 through F17.pdf27.3MB
            Appendix 1 F. Groups and Organizations- F18 through F37.pdf14.7MB
            Appendix 1 F. Groups and Organizations- F38-1 through F38-205.pdf31.3MB
            Appendix 1 F. Groups and Organizations- F38-205 through F38-268.pdf19.1MB
            Appendix 1 F. Groups and Organizations- F39-1 through F39-24.pdf23.5MB
            Appendix 1 F. Groups and Organizations- F39-24 through F39-29.pdf18.6MB
            Appendix 1 F. Groups and Organizations- F39-29 through F41.pdf27.5MB
            Appendix 1 G. Individuals- G1 thro​ugh G298.pdf17.7MB
            Appendix 1 G. Individuals- G299 through G449.pdf8.5MB
            Appendix 1 H. Public Meeting Transcripts- H1 through H3.pdf10.7MB
            Appendix 1 H. Public Meeting Transcripts- H4 through H6.pdf9.5MB
             Table of Contents - Volume II192.4KB
             Executive Summary1.1MB  
             1 - Introduction239.3KB
            2 - Regulatory Framework for the Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM, formerly DOGGR) 1.1MB
            3 - Other Relevant Regulatory Schemes470.4KB
4 - Scope and Intent of the Environmental Impact Report399.3KB
            5 - Location and Regional Setting for the Project and Alternatives (Figures 5-1 through 5-9)322.0KB
            6 - Overview of California's Oil an​d Gas Resources (Figures 6-3 through 6-4)789.1KB
            7 - Description of the Project (Figures 7.5-1 through 7.5-6)3.4MB
            8 - Description of the Alternatives (Figures 8-1 through 8-6)609.1KB
9 - Overall Approach to the Environmental Analysis471.6KB
            10 - Programmatic Level Analysis of the Project203.6KB
            10.1 - Aesthetics669.7KB
            10.2 - Agriculture and Forestry Resources (Figures 10.2-1a through 10.2-4)638.9KB
            10.3 - Air Quality (Figures 10.3-1 through 10.3-2)925.7KB
            10.4 - Biological Resources: Terrestrial Environment (Figures 10.4-1 through 10.4-11)1.3MB
            10.5 - Biological Resources: Coastal and Marine Environment633.1KB
            10.6 - Coastal Processes and Marine Water Quality1.8MB
            10.7 - Commercial and Recreational Fishing (Figures 10.7-1)464.2KB
            10.8 - Cultural Reso​urces (Figures 10.8-1 through 10.8-12)1.4MB
            10.9 - Paleontological Resources871.0KB
            10.10 - Environmental Justice597.1KB
            10.11 - Geology, Soils, and M​ineral Resources (Figures 10.11-1 through 10.11-20)916.8KB
            10.12 - Greenhouse ​Gas Emissions (Figures 10.12-1 through 10.12-3)895.7KB
            10.13 - Hazards and Hazardous Materials974.0KB
            10.14 - Groundwater Resources (Figures 10.14-1 through 10.14-19)1.7MB
            10.15 - Surface Water Resources (Figures 10.15-1 through 10.15-12)963.3KB
            10.16 - Land Use and Planning651.6KB
             10.17 - Noise and Vibration1.5MB
            10.18 - Population and Housing650.8KB
            10.19 - Public Services559.5KB
             10.20 - Recreation (Figures 10.20-1 through 10.20-3)595.4KB
            10.21 - Risk of Upset/Public and Worker Safety (Figures 10.21-1 through 10.21-6)1.3MB
            10.22 - Transportation and Traffic (Figures 10.22-1 through 10.22-7)707.7KB
            10.23 - Utilities and Service Systems544.3KB
             Table of Contents - Volume III287.2KB
             11 - Programmatic Level Analysis of Specific Oil and Gas Fields (Figures 11.0-1 through 11.0-3)447.1KB
             11.1 - Aesthe​tics591.0KB
             11.2 - Agriculture and Forestry Resources (Figures 11.2-1a through 11.2-2)314.7KB
             11.3 - Air Quality439.9KB
             11.4 - Biological Resources: Terrestrial Environment (Figures 11.4-1 through 11.4-6)1.7MB
             11.5 - Biological Resources: Coastal and Marine (Figures 11.5-1 through 11.5-4)571.5KB
             11.6 - Coastal Processes and Marine Water Quality (Figure 11.6-1 through 11.6-2)401.0KB
             11.7 - Commercial and Recreational Fishing436.6KB
             11.8 - Cultural Resources (Figures 11.8-1 through 11.8-4)1.1MB
             11.9 - Paleontological Resources (Figures 11.9-1 through 11.9-2)689.5KB
             11.10 - Environmental Justice458.8KB
             11.11 - Geology, Soils, and Mineral Resources (Figures 11.11-1 through 11.11-16)626.0KB
             11.12 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions300.3KB
             11.13 - Hazards and Hazardous Materials679.9KB
             11.14 - Groundwater Resources (Figures 11.14-1 through 11.14-15)904.6KB
             11.15 - Surface Water Resources (Figures 11.15-1 through 11.15-4)288.4KB
            11.16 - Land Use and Planning755.5KB 
            11.17 - Noise and Vibration 609.3KB  
            11.18 - Population and Housing 587.4KB  
            11.19 - Public Services 618.5KB  
            11.20 - Recreation (Figures 11.20-1 through 11.20-2609.3KB 
            11.21 - Risk of Upset/Public and Worker Safety 455.4KB  
            11.22 - Transportation and Traffic (Figures 11.22-1 through 11.22-2704.9KB 
            11.23 - Utilities and Service Systems 612.7KB 
 12 - Environmental Analysis of the Alternatives
             12-1 - Introduction 265.1KB   
            12.2 - No Future Well Stimulation Treatments Alternative (Alternative 1) 1006.7KB 
             12.3 - No Future Well Stimulation Practices Outside of Existing Oil and Gas Field Boundaries (Alternative 2) 960.3KB  
            12.4 - Well Pad Consolidation Alternative (Alternative 3) 841.7KB 
            12.5 - Urbanized Area Protection Alternative (Alternative 4) 688.7KB 
            12.6 - Active Fault Zone Restrictions Alternative (Alternative 5) 640.7KB 
            12.7 - No Project Alternative (Alternative 6) 445.1KB 
             13 - Cumulative Impact Analysis963.8KB
             14 - Comparison of Alternatives 748.3KB 
             15 - Other CEQA Considerations 491.9KB 
             16 - Public Participation and Noticing 232.7KB 
             17 - References and Organizations/Persons Consulted 1.2MB 
             18 - List of Acronyms 223.0KB 
             19 - List of Preparers and Reviewers 322.2KB 
             Appendix A - Oil and Gas Glossary of Terms 491KB 
             Appendix B - Text of Senate Bill No. 4369.4KB
             Appendix C - Well Stimulation Treatment Neighborhood Notification Form 150.9KB 
             Appendix D - Guidelines and Environmental Checklist for Future Environmental Reviews and Clearances 826.1KB 
             Appendix E - Emission Calculation Examples – Well Stimulation Treatments 263.3KB 
             Appendix F - California History, Prehistory, and Cultural Resources Types 1.7MB 
             Appendix G - Descriptions of Native ​American Tribes and Reservations 546.9KB 
             Appendix H - Paleontological Resources Assessments for the Wilmington and Sespe Oil and Gas Fields 4.7MB 
             Appendix I - Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing555.4KB  
             Appendix J - Groundwater Basin Data for Study Regions 1 through 6 1.5MB  
             Appendix K - Summary of National Train Accident Data for Class I Railroads (excluding Amtrak) 365.7KB  
  Documents referenced in the EIR
